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Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'aide pour faire cet exercice s'il vous plaît. Complète ces phrases en conjuguant les verbes entre parenthèses au temps adéquat : a.He (to smoke) a pipe when Inspector Lestrade (to knock) at his door. b.Dr Watson (to analize) the crime scene when the police (to take) the body away from the crime scene. c.I (to think) about the case this morning and I (to realize) that I (to be) wrong from the start. d.Sherlock and Watson (to relax) while Inspector Lestrade (to try) to solve a very difficult case.

Sagot :



a- He was smoking a pipe when Inspector Lestrade knocked at his door.

b- Dr Watson was analizing the crime scene when the police took the body away from the crime scene.

c- I was thinking about the case this morning and I realized that I was wrong from the start.

d- Sherlock and Watson were relaxing while Inspector Lestrade was trying to solve a very difficult case.


preterit be + v-ing = pour une action en train de se dérouler

prétérit simple = pour une action qui interrompt  la première.

bonne journée ☺☺☺

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