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Bonsoir pouvez-vous m'aider avec cet exercice svp je ne parle pas trop bien l'anglais merci d'avance.Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.
1- They are going to perform Beethoven's fifth symphony next weekend.
2- You should take care when working on eletrical equipment
3- They had finished the preparations by the time the guests arrived
4-Did the book interest you?
5- Smith painted 'red Sunset'in 1986

Sagot :

Réponse :

1- beethoven's fifth symphony is going to be preformed by them next weekend

2- You should take care when eletrical equipment is being worked on

3- the preparations were finished by them by the time the guests arrived

4- were you interested by the book?

5- red sunset was painted by smith in 1986

Explications :

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