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Compléter avec le verbe, conjugué au plus-que-parfait:
1. I went to Paris two days ago.I___________(already / to be) to Europe several years before.
2. I ate the apple I________
(to buy) in the supermarket.
(to do) your homework when your friend arrived?
> Réponse: Yes,I_________
> Réponse:
No, I________
merci d’avance !

Sagot :


Construction plus que parfait →   Had + participe passé

1. I went to Paris two days ago.I had already been to Europe several years before.

2. I ate the apple I had bought  in the supermarket.

3. Had you done your homework when your friend arrived?

> Réponse: Yes,I had.

> Réponse:  No, I hadn't.

En espérant t'avoir aidé(e) ! ^^