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bonjour j'ai un exercice d'anglais, je doit remplir les trous avec soit can't, might, may ou must:
a. I was the kitchen when the jewel was stolen in the bedroom so he.......be the thief
b. I..... recognise the suspect, but I really didn't see him very well
c.We found this knife covered in blood at the crime scene. It.......be murder weapon
d.The light was off, butI think I recognised the way he walks. He.....be the culprit
merci d'avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

a. I was in the kitchen when the jewel was stolen in the bedroom so he may be the thief

b. I can't recognise the suspect, but I really didn't see him very well

c.  We found this knife covered in blood at the crime scene. It must be murder weapon

d. The light was off, but I think I regognised the way he walks. He might be the culprit

Explications :

jsp si tu sais mais petit récapitulatif

can't = ne peut pas

might = pourrait

may = peut être

must = doit


a) May

b) Can't

c) Must

d) Might

DERIEN                             : )

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