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Quelqu’un peut m’aider pour ce devoir svp

Quelquun Peut Maider Pour Ce Devoir Svp class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Bonjour alors voilà

4) a. assessment

b. attendance

c. eager to improve

d. shy

e. behavior

f. without supervision

g. manage his time

5) Positive assessment for Jeremy are his ponctuality and attendance at work, his motivation, his behaviour and autonomy during the work and his cooperation with the staff and his intregation. But Jeremy must improve his time management and take more initiative.


Voilà les réponses à ton exercice:

a) An evaluation

b) Attendance

c) Eager to improve

d) Shy

e) The behaviour

f) Without tutor help

g) Manage your time

Bonne fin de matinée!