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Bonjour pouvez m’aidez à faire cet exos en anglais sur le présent PERFECT merci

Bonjour Pouvez Maidez À Faire Cet Exos En Anglais Sur Le Présent PERFECT Merci class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


1/ I HAVE BEEN in this association for 6 months now and I HAVE ALREADY DONE so many things. I HAVE MADE some friends and I HAVE MET very nice people. They HAVE PREPARED actions with me and we all HAVE HAD a great time. Today we are going to clean the streets of our town. That is something I HAVEN’T DONE before. We HAVE BROUGHT the equipment necessary to our mission. One of my friends, Jessie, HAS HELPED us today . I HAVE NEVER FELT so helpful before! We HAVEN’T SEEN too much waste in the streets but we HAVEN'T FOUND some plastic bags.


a) People HAVEN’T FORGOTTEN about the environment.

b) I HAVEN’T BEEN to a lot of demonstrations.

c) His brother HASN’T APPLIED to a green job.


a) What have people forgotten about ?

b) Where have you been ?

c) What has his brother done ?


a) Earth Day first STARTED in 2013.

b) The number of people involved HASN’T STOPPED increasing and today it welcomes many students.

c) At the end of the day, last year demonstrators SAID they really ENJOYED the atmosphere.

d) So, one of the directors HAVE CHOSEN to promote other types of actions.

e) My sister HAS READ many reviews and now wants to participate.

Explications :

Présent Perfect = sujet + HAVE/HAS + Participe Passé

( action ayant un lien avec le présent )

Prétérit =  verbes réguliers = base verbal +ed

                 verbes irréguliers = apprendre ....

(  action passée / datée / sans lien avec le présent )

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