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je voudrais compléter se texte svp
le consignes :compléter le texte suivant en mettant les verbe entre parenthèses ou prétérie.voicie le texte
1.yesterday it(be) ............sunny and hot ! i really
(enjoy).................It even if I (have to)................. stay at home !
I(wake up)............at 10 and I (read)............my book for a while.l(have)...............some toast and(drink )............some orange juice.
later,I(play)............with my dog.
we (eat )............in the garden as the weather( be )........... gorgeous!
l ( not go biking ).........................as it not allower so I (garden)............with my mum and dad in the afternoon.
I (want)..............to speak with Jessica
so I ( call).............her.
I (cook)..............a chocolate cake with my sister then ( watch)...............
a film in the evening.
I (go to bed ) .................at 10 pm.

Sagot :

1. It was/ I really enjoyed it/ I had to/ I woke up/ I red/ I had/ drank/ I played/ We ate/ Was/ I did not go biking/ I gardened/ I wantes/ I called/ I cooked/ I watched/ I went to the bed