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Bonjour à vous! En faite je dois trouver 6 questions avec ces phrases là ;
1) Richard flew to New York, USA, with is parents. I was very hot.
2) Prebitha went to India for big family wedding.
3) Marcus went camping in France with his family. It rained all the time.
4) Pippa stayed at home in Manchester Great Britain. She went skateboarding everyday in the park!
voilà merci!

Sagot :

1) What city in the United States Richard went with his parents?
2)Or Prebitha went to India for the big family wedding?
3)Or, is that Marcus went camping with his family ? In this campsite it rained a lot.
4) Or Pippa stayed at home? She went every day in the park!
1) Where did Richard and his parents fly ?
2) Why and Where did Prehibitha go ?
3) What did Marcus with his family ? and what was the weather ?
4) What did Pipa ?
Voilà je suis pas sûre à 100% mais j'espère que ça t'aidera !
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