
Obtenez des réponses claires et concises à vos questions sur Que votre question soit simple ou complexe, notre communauté est là pour fournir des réponses détaillées et fiables rapidement et efficacement.

past simple or past continuous.choose and complete


I         (have)a bath yesterday when the phone         (ring). As I         (get) out of the bath, I put my foot on my watch and I              (break) it . The phone          (still*/ring) . I         (run) out of the bathroom and I hit my head on the floor and I        (want) to sit down for a moment .My shoes were at the top of the stairs . i       (not/see) them and I         (fall) . At the bottom of the stairs        (get up)

(*still=encore )  Merci de m'avoir aider 

Sagot :


I  had a bath yesterday when the phone was ringing. As I  get out of the bath, I put my foot on my watch and I     break it . The phone   was still ringing . I         (run) out of the bathroom and I hit my head on the floor and I    wanted to sit down for a moment .My shoes were at the top of the stairs . i  didn't see them and I  was falling . At the bottom of the stairs   were still getting up .

I had a bath.......  the phone was ringing. As I get out of the bath,........on my watch and I break it . The phone was still ringing . I run  out of the bathroom....... the floor and I wanted to sit down for a moment .My shoes were at the top of the stairs . i  didn't see them and I was falling . At the bottom of the stairs were still getting up .