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2. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the
words given in the box.
a. An
curiosity complex fascinating
person always thinks how he can harm other
b. He
a pot of food as he had not eaten anything since
Usually my granny tells a
It's not good to show
one that suits you well.
story before I go to bed.
about every topic. Choose the
Nobody has been able to explain fully about the
nature of human brain.
Why are you
fast as possible.
here, children? Set off to your home as

2 Complete These Sentences With The Correct Form Of Thewords Given In The Boxdevoureda Anpeoplecuriosity Complex Fascinatinglingeringevilperson Always Thinks Ho class=

Sagot :



Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words given in the box.

devoured / curiousity  / complex / fascinating / lingering / evil

1- An evil person always thinks how he can harm other people.

2- He devoured a pot of food as he had not eaten anything since yesterday.

3- Usualy my granny tells a fascinating story before I go to bed.

4- It's not good to show curiosity about any topic. Choose the one that suits you well.

5- Nobody has been able to explain fully the complex nature of the human brain.

6-  Why are you lingering here, children? Set  off to your home as soon as possible.


bonne journée ☺☺☺

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