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6 Complete the email with the present perfect simple or
present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Hi Tom! So, we're halfway through the summer holiday.
(enjoy) it? Aunt
Vera 2
(stay) with us. Dad and Aunt Vera
(like) each other. They'
_ (not have) any big
arguments yet, but that's probably because Dad
(spend) his evenings up in the attic! He says he
(work), but when I went up there, he was making a model
about ten of them-they're
aeroplane. He?
all on his desk.

Sagot :



Complete the email with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets

Hi Tom !

Hello Tom!

We're halfway through the summer holidays.  Have you been enjoying yourself? Auntie Vera has been staying with us. Dad and Auntie Vera liked each other. They haven't had (they haven't been having   au p.perfect contnuous ???) any big arguments yet, but that's probably  because Dad has been spending his evenings in the attic! He says he has been working, but when I came up he was making a model aeroplane. He  made about ten of them and they're all on his desk.

désolé, j'ai fait au mieux mais pas convaincu des 2 temps ... tu peux vérifier que c'st bien ou past simple ou present perfect progressif??



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