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What is the correct answer ... ????
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It's _____ an interesting book .
a . very
b . so
c . such
d . too ​

Sagot :

The correct answer is:

c. such


The phrase "It's _____ an interesting book" is best completed by "such." The word "such" is used to emphasize a high degree or quality, often in a way that is followed by a noun or a noun phrase, as in "such an interesting book."

Here's how the sentence looks with each option:

- a. It's very an interesting book. (Incorrect; "very" is used with adjectives and adverbs but not directly before "an.")

- b. It's so an interesting book. (Incorrect; "so" is typically used before adjectives or adverbs without a noun directly following, e.g., "so interesting.")

- d. It's too an interesting book. (Incorrect; "too" is used to indicate excessiveness, and it does not fit the structure of this sentence.)



What is the correct answer ... ????

please explain your answer ......

It's _such_ an interesting book .

a . very

b . so

c . such

d . too ​

so, such , too are intensifiers of "very"

'So' means very

'So' is generally used before an adverb or adjective.

She is so beautiful

'Such'  means very

'Such' is used in front of a noun or adjective plural form It intensifies a noun

They are such beautiful girls.

"such"  often comes after  'a/an' in a sentence. followed by the adj+ noun

This is such a beautiful girl.

'Too' is different

means there is a lot of something. It has a negative connotation.

she isn't too beautiful



so, such , too sont des intensificateurs de "très"

So" signifie "très".

Le mot "so" est généralement utilisé avant unadjectif.

Elle est si belle

Such" signifie "très".

Such' est utilisé devant un nom ou un adjectif au pluriel Il intensifie un nom + adjectif

Ce sont de si belles filles.

Le mot "such" vient souvent après "a/an" dans une phrase. suivi du nom adj+.

C'est une si belle fille.

Le terme "trop" est différent

signifie qu'il y a beaucoup de quelque chose. Il a une connotation négative.

elle n'est pas trop belle

bonne journée ☺☺☺

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