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Write a short 200 word that include five idiom and underline the idiom in your story

Sagot :



Emma had always wanted to visit Paris, and when she finally got the chance, she was over the moon. However, the journey didn't go as smoothly as she had hoped.

Her flight was delayed, and upon arrival, her luggage was nowhere to be found. Trying to keep her spirits up, she reminded herself that every cloud has a silver lining. Determined to make the best of it, she set out to explore the city.

The first place she visited was the Eiffel Tower, and despite the crowd, the view took her breath away. As she wandered the streets, she stumbled upon a charming café and decided to take a break.

Sipping her coffee, she realized that the language barrier was more challenging than she had anticipated. Still, she was not about to throw in the towel. With a phrasebook in hand, she managed to order a delicious croissant.

By the end of the day, she was tired but happy. Reflecting on her adventures, she thought, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Emma knew that the bumps in the road were just part of the journey, and she was ready to face whatever came next with a smile. After all, life is about taking the bull by the horns and making the most of every moment.


je ne sais pas si ça peut t'aider