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actor/actress, documtary, boring, Shoot (v), a film, entertaining, character, animated Cartoom, produce, Cast (n), funny direct, western, lead rcle, act/Plays in a moore, thriller, original, release, musical, Special effects, engrossing, banal, Soreenplay, hooror actions film, goto. The, pictures, soundtrack, Subtitles, scary,comedy,a teen movie dull, ending romance, Scienne fiction, Superproduction. complète le tableau Verbes Types of films In a flim Describing a film,​

Sagot :


verbes = release/shoot

types of film = documtary, a film, animated cartoom, funny direct, western, thriller, hooror actions film, comedy, a teen movie dull, science fiction

in a film = actor/actress/ character/ cast/ act/plays in a moore/ special effects/ musical/ pictures/ soundtrack/ subtitles/ ending romance/superproduction/screenplay

describing a film=boring, original, banal, scary,

J'espère t'avoir aidé, et si il reste des mots n'hésite pas à chercher sur internet.

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