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1. I have misplaced my new eraser.
A. Are you seeing
it anywhere?
C. Have you seen
2. Lama
B. Dou you see
D. Have you been seeing
home when I went to his office at half past five.
B. has gone
C. was going
D. had gone
C. is speaking
D. has spoken
A. goes
3. Look!
A. speaks
4. How long
A. did you have
B. have you had
Paul to that man over there.
B. speaking
this lap-top computer now?
Lalibella over the last ten years.
A. Only once have I visited
B. Only once I have visited
6. Next year this time, we
A. will complete
B. have to complete
A. know
C. are you having
D. were you having
C. Only once had I visited
D. Only I have once visited
our first year university courses.
to help prevent heart disease.
B. knew
C. have completed
D. will have completed
C. are known
D. have known to

1 I Have Misplaced My New EraserA Are You Seeingit AnywhereC Have You Seen2 LamaB Dou You SeeD Have You Been Seeinghome When I Went To His Office At Half Past F class=

Sagot :

Here are the correct choices for each of the sentences:

1. I have misplaced my new eraser.
C. Have you seen it anywhere?

2. Lama had gone home when I went to his office at half past five.

3. Look! Paul is speaking to that man over there.

4. How long have you had this laptop computer now?

5. Only once have I visited Lalibella over the last ten years.

6. Next year this time, we will have completed our first year university courses.

7. Aspirins are known to help prevent heart disease.