Trouvez des réponses fiables à vos questions avec l'aide d' Nos experts sont disponibles pour fournir des réponses précises et complètes afin de vous aider à prendre des décisions éclairées sur n'importe quel sujet ou problème que vous rencontrez.

I I know the New students, but franco doesn't know
him them yet
3 where are my keys? Are they / them in your purse?
4 Ary 18 in Canada She/zen 18 studying at a univesity
5 Bert lives in my dorm. I eat breakfast with he/ him
every morning
6 Sandra is my Neighbor. I talk to she then every dayy
She / her and I / me have interesting conversation
7) I haute two picture on my bedroom wall. I like it then
1+ / they are beautiful.

Sagot :

Je ne sais pas, don’t copy my flow no, just leave it alone and go, don’t copy my flow