1. Complète ces phrases avec have, has, haven't et hasn't.
a. They
b. She
c. I
d. He
e. I
seen a crocodile. ☑
already been skiing. ☑
touched a snake. ☑
driven a jet ski. ✓
never climbed a mountain. ☑
swum in the sea. ☑
f. He
2. Écris les questions au present perfect. Puis réponds-y.
Exemple :
(you) ever see a dolphin? => Have you ever seen a dophin? Yes, I have.
a. (he) ever go bunjee-jumping? ☑
b. (they) ever do an extreme sport? ×
c. (you) ever touch a rat? ☑
d. (she) ever throw a boomerang? ☑
e. (they) go snowboarding? (they are not back yet) ☑
f. (you) ever visit Canada? ☑