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3- Conjuque le verbe entre parenthèses au
présent continu.
a) People
b) New hotels
c) Las Vegas
d) Today, we
14 points
(to gamble) in the casinos right now.
(to be built) on the Strip currently.
(to attract) millions of visitors every year.
(to enjoy) the vibrant nightlife in Las
-Retrouvez les questions qui portent sur les mots soulignés.
/ 3 poi
xemple: Las Vegas is located in the state of Nevada, USA.
Where is Las Vegas located?
vous pouvez m'aider svp ​

Sagot :




a) People (to gamble) in the casinos right now.

What are people doing in the casinos right now?

b) New hotels (to be built) on the Strip currently.

What is being built on the Strip currently?

c) Las Vegas (to attract) millions of visitors every year.

What attracts millions of visitors every year?

d) Today, we (to enjoy) the vibrant nightlife in Las Vegas.

What are we enjoying today in Las Vegas?

a) People are gambling in the casinos right now.

b) New hotels are being built on the Strip currently.

c) Las Vegas is attracting millions of visitors every year.

d) Today, we are enjoying the vibrant nightlife in Las Vegas.



Réponse :

Conjugue le verbe entre parenthèses au présent continu.

a) People are gambling in the casinos right now.

b) New hotels are being built on the Strip currently.

c) Las Vegas is attracting millions of visitors every year.

d) Today, we are enjoying the vibrant nightlife in Las Vegas.

I + am + BV-ing

you/we/they + are + BV-ing

he/she/it + is + BV-ing

Retrouvez les questions qui portent sur les mots soulignés./


Las Vegas is located in the state of Nevada, USA.

Where is Las Vegas located?

Rien de souligné... les questions peuvent changer en fonction de ce qui est souligné ...

a) People are gambling in the casinos right now.

Where are the people gambling?

  People are gambling in the casinos right now.

What are the people doing right now?

b) New hotels are being built on the Strip currently.

What is being built on the Strip ?

   New hotels are being built on the Strip currently.

Where are new hotels being built?

c) Las Vegas is attracting millions of visitors every year.

How many visitors is Las Vegas attracting every year?

d) Today, we are enjoying the vibrant nightlife in Las Vegas.

What are we enjoying today in Las Vegas?

  Today, we are enjoying the vibrant nightlife in Las Vegas.

What are we doing today?


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