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J’ai créé un compte original inventé step 1 :choose a time and a place for your tale. step 2 :describe your hero. step 3 :say what the problem was. step 4: find your solution. Step 5 find your happy ending. Step 6: decide on a title.

Jai Créé Un Compte Original Inventé Step 1 Choose A Time And A Place For Your Tale Step 2 Describe Your Hero Step 3 Say What The Problem Was Step 4 Find Your So class=

Sagot :

Once upon a time, in the realm of Evergreen Valley, there lived a young witch named Luna. Her emerald eyes sparkled like stars, and her hair shimmered like moonlight. However, one day, a terrible misfortune befell Luna - her magical powers vanished mysteriously, leaving her defenseless.

Determined to reclaim her magic, Luna embarked on a perilous journey in search of the legendary Crystal of Enchantment, the source of all magical power. Through dark forests and steep mountains, Luna faced endless trials and dangers.

After many adventures, Luna finally discovered the Crystal of Enchantment hidden deep within the Whispering Woods. Upon touching it, a dazzling light enveloped Luna, restoring her lost magic. Evergreen Valley was once again filled with magic and light.

And so, Luna, the brave witch, saved her realm and regained her magical prowess. Her tale was told throughout the kingdom under the title "The Enchantment of Evergreen Valley."
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