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texte a trous. merci​

Texte A Trous Merci class=

Sagot :



Step 1 : Ships - European - Africa - Bought - Goods

Step 2 : Atlantic - Weeks - Survived - Sold - Forced - Slaves

Step 3 : Returned - Sugar, Coffee - Cotton - Traders

N'hésite pas si tu as des questions :)

Valentin B.

Certifié Bilingue anglais par l'Université de Cambridge : 2023

Étudiant en Histoire SHS : 2023-

Diplômé en Histoire en 2024



Réponse :

TRADERS sailed from EUROPEAN ports to the west coast of AFRICA , where they BOUGHT people in exchange for GOODS and loaded them into SHIPS.

The voyage across the ATLANTIC, known as the Middle Passage, generally took 6 to 8 WEEKS. Once in the Americas, those Africans who had SURVIVED the journey were SOLD and were FORCED to work as SLAVES.

The ships then RETURNED to Europe with goods such as COTTON, SUGAR , tobacco, rice and COFFEE, which had been PRODUCED by slave LABOUR 

Explications :

traders ( marchands / commerçants )

European ports ( ports européens )

bought ( prétérit de buy : acheter )

goods ( des merchandises/ des produits ...)

ships ( navire / bateau )

had survived ( avaient survécu )

sold ( vendu )

labour ( travail / labeur )

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