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Es que quelqu'un pourrais me corriger mes fautes?


Voici le texte que j'ai rédigé:

First of all , there are penguins on the icecap wish to doing queue up for learn to fly.

The situation is funny because the pengouins are ridiculous.

Indeed this situation is unusual because everyone knows that penguins can not fly.

In fact, in front them on in ingloo there is a pelican with a sign.

Unfortunately, penguins's natural habitat is threatened by global warming and by the sea level rising.

Moreover, thanks to these problems, the pelican will make lot of money.

The pengouins are eager to leave the icecap because it will melt.

Consequently, they be compelled to be migrate if they do not want disappear.



Merci d'avance de vos reponses.

Sagot :


First of all , there are penguins on the icecap wish to doing queue up for learning to fly.
The situation is funny because the penguins are ridiculous.
Indeed this situation is unusual because everyone knows that penguins cannot fly.
In fact, in front them on in ingloo there is a pelican with a sign.
Unfortunately, penguin natural habitat is threatened by global warming and by the sea level rising.
Moreover, thanks to these problems, the pelican will make lots of money.
The penguins are eager to leave the ice cap because it will melt.
Consequently, they be compelled to be migrate if they do not want disappear .
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