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Bonjour J’ai besoin d’aide svp merci

Exercice 3 – Complete with a pronoun
• It’s a nice holiday. I really enjoy ______________________.
• I’ve lost my keys. Can you lend me ______________________?
• Take this pen. It’s ______________________, not _____________.
• Your hands are dirty, go and wash __________.

• Your brother finds it hard to do his exercises: can ______________help ______________?
• We’re going to have new neighbours ____________are building a house next to ______________.

Sagot :


Réponse :

Complete with a pronoun

• It’s a nice holiday. I really enjoy it.

• I’ve lost my keys. Can you lend me yours? ( les tiennes )

• Take this pen. It’s yours, not mine. ( c'est le tien, pas le mien )

Your hands are dirty, go and wash them. ( lave-les )

• Your brother finds it hard to do his exercises: can you help him?

( peux-tu   l'aider ?)

• We’re going to have new neighbours they are building a house next to ours. ( ils construisent une maison près de la notre )

Réponse :

Explications :

1. It’s a nice holiday. I really enjoy it.

2. I’ve lost my keys. Can you lend me yours?

3. Take this pen. It’s yours, it's not mine.

4. Your hands are dirty, go and wash them.

5. Your brother finds it hard to do his exercises: can you help him?

6. We’re going to have new neighbours they are building a house next to ours.

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