Profitez au maximum de vos questions avec les ressources d' Notre communauté fournit des réponses précises et rapides pour vous aider à comprendre et à résoudre n'importe quel problème.

III. Story Writing
Taking help from the information given below, write a short story 'Where there is Love,
there is God'. You can invent your own details.
Outline: Martin......... a cobble.......... his son died..…........ no interest in life....... a religious man
reminded that Martin couldn't judge God's ways....... heard a voice........... Martin! Look out in
the street tomorrow, for I shall come"........ next morning an old man stood shivering in the
cold....... Martin invited him inside......... offered tea......... no one came......... next morning a poor
woman stood with a baby in arms...... Martin gave her his bed........ food and cabbage soup.......
Martin kept on waiting but no one came......... in dream.......... I first saw an old man....... then the
woman with the child............ Martin crossed himself.......... the Lord had really come to him.