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EXERCISE TWO: REWRITE THESE SENTENCES INTO PASSIVE VOICE 1. Sofia watches a film every night. 2. They are not eating dinner at the moment. 3. They don't speak English in this area. 4. Hassan will buy a new computer next weekend. 5. A customer has made a complaint about the bad behavior. 6. We should support the libraries to revive. 7. I ate a piece of chocolate cake an hour ago. 8. They pay them on Fridays. 9. Somebody stole the money from her purse. 10. Jalal was singing the national anthem when you arrived.​

EXERCISE TWO REWRITE THESE SENTENCES INTO PASSIVE VOICE 1 Sofia Watches A Film Every Night 2 They Are Not Eating Dinner At The Moment 3 They Dont Speak English class=

Sagot :

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