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Match the two parts to form a sentence.
a. The more she works out,
b. The older he becomes,
c. The longer you sleep,
d. The fatter I get,
e. The more confined teens are,
f. The less you study,
g. The more fast food you eat,
h. The more intolerant you are,
1. the worse your marks will be.
2. the more weight you will gain.
3. the lonelier they feel.
4. the less friends you'll have.
5. the more self-conscious I feel.
16. the less moody you wake up.
7. the friendlier he seems to be.
8. the slimmer she gets

Sagot :

A. The more she works out, the slimmer she gets.
B. The older he becomes, the friendlier he seems to be.
C. The longer you sleep, the less moody you wake up.
D. The fatter I get, the more self-conscious I feel.
E.the more confined teens are, the lonelier they feel.
F. The less you study, the worse your marks will be.
G. The more fast food you eat, the more weight you will gain.
H. The more intolerant you are, the less friends you’ll have.


Réponse :

a. The more she works out, 8. the slimmer she gets

b. The older he becomes, 7. the friendlier he seems to be.

c. The longer you sleep, 16. the less moody you wake up.

d. The fatter I get, 5. the more self-conscious I feel.

e. The more confined teens are, 3. the lonelier they feel.

f. The less you study,1. the worse your marks will be.

g. The more fast food you eat, 2. the more weight you will gain.

h. The more intolerant you are, 4. the less friends you'll have.

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