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Learning Task 6.2-Quiz on BIOS Configuration Welle you an
instruct the computer on how to perform several basic functions
2. A computer automatically verify itself to meet its requirements in e
3. in BIOS settings, we choose the
4. A BIOS is considered as a
5. When you turn on BIOS it detects all the
6. BIOS is a part of the
mode to boot up propery
tap to initialize the computer and load its operating system
devices including the keyboard and mouse
you can set up the basic BIOS features such as date and time
8. If you want to change the I/O devices, enabling and disabling them go to
9. If we want to see a menu which displays the CPU temperature and fan speeds you can se
10. "to run set up" means
11. Is BIOS interface different from each other? Explain your answer
12. How to enter BIOS? State your answer
13.-15. Explain the illustration below
Write your answer here:​

Sagot :

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