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Salut jai besoins d'aide svp je comprend pas

Fill in the blanks with much / many / a lot of in the
following sentences.

1.He has ____________ books on the table.

2.We are going to buy ____________ toys in the shop.

3.How ____________ flour is in the kitchen ?

4.He has ____________ homework.

5.She has ____________ time to travel to London.

6.They do not have ____________ money to buy the gift.

7.How ____________ sisters do you have ?

8.How ____________ time is there left to finish the job ?

9.I do not like to do ___________ chores.

10.How ____________ rice is needed for the recipe ?

11.How ____________ pens are there in your bag ?

12.How ____________ sugar do you want ?

13.There are ____________ students in the classroom.

14.How ____________ notebooks do you have ?

15.I haven’t got ____________ time left.

16.How ____________ brothers do you have ?

17.We had ____________ to eat for dinner.


Sagot :



Fill in the blanks with much / many / a lot of in the

following sentences.

1.He has a lot of  books on the table. (ou many books)

2.We are going to buy a lot of toys in the shop. (ou many toys)

3.How much flour is in the kitchen ?

4.He has a lot of homework.

5.She has a lot of time to travel to London.

6.They do not have much money to buy the gift.

7.How many sisters do you have ?

8.How much time is there left to finish the job ?

9.I do not like to do a lot of chores. (ou many chores)

10.How much rice is needed for the recipe ?

11.How many pens are there in your bag ?

12.How much sugar do you want ?

13.There are a lot of students in the classroom. (ou many students)

14.How many notebooks do you have ? (+ pluriel)

15.I haven’t got much time left. (+ indénombrables singulier

16.How many brothers do you have ?

17.We had a lot (of) to eat for dinner. (normalement c'est juste "a lot")


pour rappel

a lot of va avec aussi bien les singuliers que les pluriels. C'est le plus facile à mettre

many + pluriel (dénombrable)

much + singulier (indénombrable)

Attention dans les questions "how much" ou "how many" bien regarder combien on a de "quoi"...

Pour certaines phrases j'ai mis entre (..) many. Tu pourrais mettre l'un  ou l'autre. Mais "a lot of" = plus utilisé en général, puisque va avec les

deux catégories. Après c'est aussi au feeling et je sais pas expliquer.

A lot of c'est vraiment beaucoup, beaucoup....


bonne fin de journée☺☺☺