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Example of expression with both implicit and explicit meaning of a sentence

Sagot :


Explicit describes something that is very clear and without vagueness or ambiguity. Implicit often functions as the opposite, referring to something that is understood, but not described clearly or directly, and often using implication or assumption.

All children, except one, grow up. This is an example of an implicit statement. We aren't told explicitly “there once was a boy named Peter Pan, and he magically never grew older,” but we are prepared for that eventual knowledge by this implicit sentence. If something is implicit, it is not directly stated.

An example of explicit is someone giving very straightforward directions to a location. Saying what is meant, without reservation or disguise; outspoken. Very specific, clear, or detailed. I gave explicit instructions for him to stay here, but he followed me, anyway.


An example of explicit is someone giving very straightforward directions to a location

An example of implicit is when your wife gives you a dirty look when you drop your socks on the floor.

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