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2- Shady: I am happy to see you, Shady.......................................?

Ahmed: I am going to the club to practice my hobby.


Ahmed: I like playing football.

Shady: then, you are a football champion,.................?

Ahmed: I think so.


Ahmed: two times a week.


Ahmed: with my friends.

Sagot :



Shady: I am happy to see you, Shady where are you going?

Ahmed: I am going to the club to practice my hobby.

Shady:: What is your hobby .?

Ahmed: I like playing football.

Shady: then, you are a football champion, aren't you ?

Ahmed: I think so.

Shady:. How many times a week do you practice ?

Ahmed: Two times a week.

Shady: Who are you playing with ?

Ahmed: with my friends.


Bonne soirée ☺☺☺

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