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2 Find the words in the text to complete the missing words in these sentences. 1 It's very cold today. Do you want porridge for breakfast? 2 There is no school today because it is Saturday Tom is eating a traditional English of bacon and eggs. 3 I always eat some_f_ at 11 o'clock. Today I have an apple. at half past twelve 4 The children usually have their __ 5 Today they are having roast beef for their main_c 6 Mother has made a chocolate pudding for _d_ 7 The children are going to drink apple I put some strawberry on my bread and butter. We're going to have and chips for dinner. m My sister doesn't drink hot chocolate 8 9 10 before she goes to bed.​

2 Find The Words In The Text To Complete The Missing Words In These Sentences 1 Its Very Cold Today Do You Want Porridge For Breakfast 2 There Is No School Toda class=

Sagot :



Find the words in the text to complete the missing words in these sentences

1- It's very cold today. Do you want porridge for breakfast?

2- There is no school today because it is Saturday Tom is eating a traditional English breakfast of bacon and eggs.

3- I always eat some fruit at 11 o'clock. Today I have an apple. at half past twelve

4- The children usually have their lunch at half past twelve.

5 Today they are having roast beef for their main course.

6- Mother has made a chocolate pudding for dessert.

7- The children are going to drink apple juice.

8-  I put some strawberry jam on my bread and butter.

9- We're going to have fish and chips for dinner.

10-  m My sister doesn't drink hot chocolate milk before she goes to bed.​


bonne soirée ☺☺☺

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