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Raconter une histoire qui fait peur en anglais de 15 lignes svp

Sagot :


Kim is a 15 year old boy.

One evening after school, he decides to go to an amusement park with them. On the way, a man stops them and offers them free tickets to an amusement park called creek park. They accept and enter this famous park. They try a few attractions and strangely, 3 of them disappear. (they were 8 at the beginning) They hadn't noticed him so they continued to try the attractions until he found himself alone. He started to panic and he started looking for his friends. After a few minutes, he entered a kind of cabin and saw three clowns in front of him. He started to run but the clowns caught him. And since that day no one has seen Kim or his friends.

voilà j'espère que j'ai pu t'aider !

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