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Complète ces phrases à l'aide du present
perfect en -ing.
a. I can't believe it is happening today. I (wait)
for so long!
b. How long (you/wait)? Sorry, I'm so late!
c. She (work) in this company since she got
her diploma.
d. We (not/think) about it for one week. We
have been so busy!

Sagot :



a. I was waiting for so long !

b. How long have you been waiting ?

c. She is working

d.We have not been thinking


Voilà j'espère t'avoir aidé !

Réponse :


Explications :

a. I can't believe it is happening today. I have been waiting for so long!

b. How long have you been waiting? Sorry, I'm so late!

c. She has been working in this company since she got her diploma.

d. We have not been thinking about it for one week. We have been so busy!

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