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Bonjour j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide en Anglais si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider ça serait vraiment très très gentil de sa part.
Consigne:Créer un texte de sensibilisation pour alerter les Américains sur l'importance de changer de mode alimentaire

Sagot :


With 66.3% overweight and 27.7% obese, the United States is one of the countries most affected by obesity (here, the geographical distribution of the prevalence of overweight throughout the world ). However, although these figures are struggling to decrease, American consumers are gradually changing their eating habits. More healthy products, less sugar, search for authenticity, natural ingredients... Here is what you need to know about today's food market in the USA to succeed in reaching a population of eaters who are increasingly concerned about their nutrition.

voilà j'espère t'avoir aider ! bon courage.

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