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J’ai besoin d’aide !

1) They (sell)
their house last month and they (buy)
a flat where they will move in next week.
2) Queen (sing)
this song for the first time in 1977.
3) They (sing)
together till Freddy Mercury died.
4) She (learn)
English for ten years and still can't speak.
5) My husband (arrange)
the garden, he is going to show you.
6) They (meet)
in London ten years ago.
7) They (be)
friends for a long time.
8) The agency (sell)
the house, you can't have it.
9) Be careful ! Bob (paint)
the gate.
10) She (bring)
Her dog. Here it is !
11) Betty (move)
to New York last year.
12) Look ! he (break)
his leg. You should take him to hospital.
13) Here am I. I take)
....a taxi to be on time.
14) I (work)
in that school from 1990 to 2002.
15) I (teach)
English since 1984.

Bonjour Jai Besoin Daide Choose Between PRETERIT And PRESENT PERFECT 1 They Sell Their House Last Month And They Buy A Flat Where They Will Move In Next Week 2 class=

Sagot :


1) sold /bought

2) sang

3) sang

4) learnt

5) arranged

6) met

7) were

8) sold

9) painted

10) brought

11) moved

12) broke

13) took

14) worked

15) taught


Je pense que c'est ça ️️