Rejoignez et commencez à obtenir les réponses dont vous avez besoin. Posez n'importe quelle question et obtenez une réponse détaillée et fiable de la part de notre communauté d'experts.

a c) change these statements to questions 1. The rain went into the earth. 2. The rain made a lake under the ground. 3. The people built a dam on the river. 4. There was a drought in the country. 5. They grew sugar cane in the plain 6. They got the water from a well.​

Sagot :

bonjour voici la solution:
1- where did the rain go?
2-what did the rain make?
3-what did the people build on the river?
4-where was there a drought?
5-where did they grow sugar cane? OR what did they grow in the plain?
6- where did they get the water from?
voilà bonne journée!
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