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Bonsoir, pourrais-je avoir de l’aide en anglais svp je dois mettre les phrases à la voix passive en anglais svp

Bonsoir Pourraisje Avoir De Laide En Anglais Svp Je Dois Mettre Les Phrases À La Voix Passive En Anglais Svp class=

Sagot :



Réponse :

300 bombers attacked the city. ( prétérit )

The city was attacked by 300 bombers.

They destroyed the docks. ( prétérit )

The docks were destroyed.

They are evacuating the children. ( présent simple )

The children are evacuated.

They could evacuate the lions. ( modal could )

The lions could be evacuated.

They have rescued hundreds of people. ( présent perfect )

Hundreds of people have been rescued.

The shelters protect civilians from bombs. ( présent simple )

Civilians are protected from bombs by the shelters.

They are sending the children away before tonight’s attack. ( présent be + V-ing )

The children are being sent away before tonight's attack.

Some people are putting out a fire that started in a house. ( présent be + V-ing )

A fire that started in a house is being put out by some people.

German bombers targeted many British cities. ( prétérit )

Many British cities were targeted by German bombers.

They will probably attack the docks. ( futur-will )

The docks will probably be attacked.

( Rappel : l'adverbe de fréquence se place entre will et be )

They dropped many bombs on Coventry that night. ( prétérit )

Many bombs were dropped on Coventry that night.

My fiancé sent me a letter. ( prétérit )

A letter was sent to me by my fiancé.

The Germans told the women to sit down. ( prétérit )

The women was told to sit down by the Germans.

Explications :


BE ( conjugué au temps de la voix active ) + participe passé

Le COD de la voix active devient sujet de la voix passive.

Le complément d'agent ( introduit par "by" ) peut -être sous-entendu, il ne sera donc pas exprimé dans ces cas.

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