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Comprehension of Sherlock Holmes's notes. the The first suspect's name is Mrs Oskshott Her alibi is that she was cooking in Kitchen, when the robbery took place. There is no witness since she was possible reason that pushed her to commit the robbery (her motive) is that she The The second suspect's n............ is J........... .................. His .............. is that he w.... at the ........................shop when the robbery was co...........ed. There is ...... to confirm it. The possible reason that ................ed him to ..... ....... the .... m.............) is that he ............ ........ (his The third ... .............'S …........................is J........... .... a...... ... His .............. is ..................... ..... at the hotel when the ........ ............. place. There is one ..........., the................ of the..................who.............. the noise of the..... ........ from 08:..... to 10:...... And it seems that there is ..... possible...............for him to. .................the r.................. So, Horner........... be the culprit. As a consequence, the two s................s are and ...

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