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Bonjour est ce que vous pouvez m'aider pour cet exercice en Anglais, ça doit être facile pour ceux qui savent la langue. Merci D'avance

Bonjour Est Ce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Pour Cet Exercice En Anglais Ça Doit Être Facile Pour Ceux Qui Savent La Langue Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

1. They woke up at 10 a.m.
2. They didn’t visit the Tour Eiffel.
3. They weren’t on time for the boat.
4. Before lunch, they bought a Minnie Mouse costume.
5. At the restaurant, they ate a Boeuf Bourguignon.
6. Elen bought a bag as a souvenir for her mom.
7. We do not know how they went to the party.
8. They sleeped very well after the party.


Réponse :

1. What time did they wake up ?

They woke up at 10.00 am.

2. Did they visit the Eiffel Tower?

No, they didn't. ( They didn't have time because they woke up late )

3. Were they on time to the boat?

No, they weren't. ( They arrived too late )

4. What did they do before lunch?

Before lunch, they went shopping.

5. What did they eat at the restaurant?

At the restaurant, they ate "bœuf bourguignon" .

6. What souvenir did Helen buy for her mum?

For her mum, Helen bought a nice bag for her mum.

7. How did they travel to the party?

They left the party by bike. ( we don't know how they went to the party )

8. Did they sleep well after the party?

Yes, they did. ( Helen enjoyed a good night's sleep )


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