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Bonjour est-ce que vous pouvez m’aider en anglais svp
1 what does « it » refer to in « he showed it to O’Malley »?
2 which story is Mrs.Maloney talking about?
3 does she repeat the story in the text? Where ?
4 what kind of questions do you think the inspectors asked Mrs.Maloney? Write them down
5 do you think that Mrs.Maloney is sincere? Why ? Justify your answer by quating from the text
Merci d’avance

Bonjour Estce Que Vous Pouvez Maider En Anglais Svp 1 What Does It Refer To In He Showed It To OMalley 2 Which Story Is MrsMaloney Talking About 3 Does She Repe class=

Sagot :


1 it refers to the small paychof congealed blood on the dead man's head

2 the story is about her going to buy groceries and coming home to find her husband dead

3 when the detectives where questioning her she repeated the same story

4 does he have any enemies

when did you find him

how did he behave that day?

was he terminaly ill?

5 no mrs maloney was not sincere at all

"after hitting her husband on the back of his head with a frozen leg of lamb

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