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Bonjour c’est pour demain , pouvez vous m’aider svp / mercii

Complétez ces phrases à l'aide d'un des pronoms personnels :

me; he; him; she; her; it; we; us; they; them.

1. Where are my books? Have you got…………?

2. Why did John go to the doctor's? — Because…………….was will.

3. Show……..... your new car. We'd like to see it.

4. Where's your racket? - I broke………….yesterday.

5. Did he tell you one story? — No, he told………two.

6. He gave ………a present and she was pleased.

7. I told..... he could go home. .

8. Mary?.......'s living in New York, now.

9. Ed and Larry! Where are you?........'re downstairs!

10. Are Ann and Fred married? — No,……aren't.

Sagot :














Réponse :

1. Where are my books? Have you got them?

2. Why did John go to the doctor's? — Because he was will.

3. Show us your new car. We'd like to see it.

4. Where's your racket? - I broke it yesterday.

5. Did he tell you one story? — No, he told me two.

( Est-ce qu'il t'a raconté une histoire ? - Non, il m'en a raconté deux )

   Did he tell you one story? — No, he told us two.

( Est-ce qu'il vous a raconté une histoire? - Non, il nous en a raconté deux )

6. He gave her a present and she was pleased.

7. I told him he could go home. .

8. Mary? She's living in New York, now.

9. Ed and Larry! Where are you? - We're downstairs!

10. Are Ann and Fred married? — No, they aren't.

Explications :

Phrase 5 deux réponses possibles en fonction de "you" ( singulier ou pluriel )