
Rejoignez la communauté Zoofast.fr et obtenez les réponses dont vous avez besoin. Notre communauté fournit des réponses précises et rapides pour vous aider à comprendre et à résoudre n'importe quel problème que vous rencontrez.

Pouvez-vous m’aider svp
mettre le verbe au présent en be + v-ing:
1. Grandfather (to sleep) in his armchair.
2. The girls (to wait) for the bus.
3. Baby (to cry).
4. He (to work) in the garden.
5. Mother (to make) a cake.
6. The cat (to lie) on my bed.
7. It (to rain).
8. Brian (to play) the piano.
9. The Morgans (to watch) a play
on television.
10. Ken (to sit) on the floor.
11. The dog (to run) after the cat.
12. Father (to smoke) his pipe.
13. John (to cut) the grass.
14. Jennifer (to write) to her brother.
15. The children (to sing) a song.
B Mettre à la forme interrogative et donner une réponse négative courte
Exemple : Bob is writing a letter > Is Bob writing a letter? -No, he isn't.
1. The sun is shining.
6. It's raining.
2. John and Jennie are going to London. 7. Dad is reading The Times.
3. Your brother is learning his lesson.
8. Your friends are playing football.
9. Mrs Smith is driving slowly.
5. Mr and Mrs Webb are watching TV.
10. The children are washing the car.
4. I'm doing my work well
Thank you

Sagot :


1. Grandfather is sleeping in his armchair.

2. The girls are waiting for the bus.

3. Baby is crying.

4. He is working in the garden.

5. Mother is making a cake.

6. The cat is lying on my bed.

7. It is raining.

8. Brian is playing the piano.

9. The Morgan are watching a play on television.

10. Ken is sitting on the floor.

11. The dog is running after the cat.

12. Father is smoking his pipe.

13. John is cutting the grass.

14. Jennifer is writing to her brother.

15. The children are singing a song.


1. Is the sun shining?

- No it isn't.

6. Is it raining?

- No it isn't.

2. Are John and Jennie going to London?

- No they're not.

3. Is your brother learning his lesson?

- No he isn't.

8. Are your friends playing football?

- No they're not .

9. Is Mrs Smith driving slowly?

- No she isn't.

5. Are Mr and Mrs Webb watching TV?

- No they're not

10. Are the children washing the car?

- No they're not.

4. Are you doing your work well?

- No you're not.

You're welcome

1. Grandfather is sleeping in his armchair.
2. The girls are waiting for the bus.
3. Baby is crying.
4. He is working in the garden.
5. Mother is making a cake.
6. The cat is lying on my bed.
7. It is rain.
8. Brien is playing the piano.
9. The Morgans are watching a play on the television.
10. Ken is sitting on the floor.
11. The dog is running after the cat.
12. Father is smoking his pipe.
13. John is cutting the grass.
14. Jennifer is writing to her mother.
15. The children are singing a song.

1. Is the sun shinning ? -No, it’s not.
6. It is raining ? -No, it’s not.
2. Are John and Jennie going to London ? -No, they are not.
7. Is dad reading The Times ? - No, he isn’t.
3. Is your brother learning his lesson ? - No, he isn’t.
8. Are your friends playing football ? - No, they are not.
9. Is Mrs Smith driving slowly ? - No, she’s not.
5. Are Mr and Mrs Webb watching TV ? - No, they are not ?
10. Are the children washing cat ? - No, they are not.
4. Am I doing my work well ? - No, I’m not.

J’espère t’avoir aidé, bon courage ! :)