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Sagot :


a. the NUWS was founded by Millicent Fawcett in 1897

b. Windows were smashed by Suffragettes

c. the movement was led by Emmeline Pankhurst

d. many suffragettes were arrested by the police

e. violent tactics were used to gain their right

f. the colots purple, white and green were adopted for their campaign

g. the vote to women was granted by the prime minister David Lloyd George in 1918


1) The NUWS was founded in 1897 by Millicnet Fawcett.

2) The window was smashed by the Surffragettes.

3) The movement was led by Emmeline Pankhurst.

4) Many of the Surffragettes were arrested by the police.




(Désolé, je ne connais pas le reste)

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