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Bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide svp, je suis une quiche. William Shakespeare's biography Complète les phrases en conjuguant les verbes au prétérit sur les pointillés.
merci =)

William Shakespeare........ (to be born) in 1564 in Stratford upon Avon. His father John........ (to be) a glovemaker and his mother Mary {to be) a farmer's daughter. Shakespeare.......... (to have gor) 2 older sisters, 2 younger sisters and 3 younger brothers. Shakespeare....... ( to study) Latin, Greek and History at school in Stratford. He school....... ( to leave) when he.......... (to be) 15 and he (to marry) Anne Hathaway when he........ (to be) 18 years old. William Shakespeare and his wife Anne Hathaway .......(to have got) 3 children: a daughter called Suzanna and twins called Judith and Hamnet. Shakespeare......... (to leave) Stratford in 1576 and he ..........(to go) to London, At first, Shakespeare (to be) an actor, then he .......{to write) plays. He ......(to write) -38 plays: comedies ........(with happy endings), tragedies .....(sad endings, characters get killed) and History plays......... ( about Kings and Queens). In 1593, there......... (to be) a terrible disease: the plague ! Thousands of people ........(to be killed) and theatres .........(to be ) closed. Shakespeare .......(to begin) to write poems instead of plays. Shakespeare's short poems are ther called sonnets. Shakespeare ........(to invent) a lot of new words and expressions that are still used today. When the Globe fto open) in 1599, it....... (can) contain 3 000 people. .......... (to create) new noises to produce special sounds. Shakespeare's musicians William Shakespeare old, in Stratford upon Avon. ..........(to die) on .........April 22, 1616, when he ...........(to be) 52 years​

Sagot :


Was born
Had ( pas sure car y’a got avec)
Wrote ( 38 plays…)

Il y a des choses entre parenthèses mais pas de verbes….

In 1953 … was
Were killed
Were closed
He died
He was 52 years

Bonne soirée


1 was born

2 was

3 was

4 had

5 studied

6 left

7 was

8 married

9 was

10 got

11 left

12 went

13 was

14 wrote

15 wrote

16 were

17 had

18 were

19 was

20 were

21 were

22 began

23 invented

24 could

25 created

26 died

27 was.

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