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Bonjour, pouvez-vous me traduire ce texte en Anglais ? merci d'avance !

Sagot :




Oh who is that outside?Finally there here ! I am going to join them to play soccer this is going to be good for me!


It's important to play with your friends at the place of staying locked up inside in your room playing video games.

11) JE n est pas comprit



Oh it's snack time, im going see you later!Mmmhhhh Im in a mood for pancakes, let's look up a recipe on the internet...let's see...eggs, milk, flour, sugar, oil, a tablespoon of salt.Hummm...

I think that with that we need a fruit with that : let's take a banana.


Let's see...yes it is possible at ur age to take a snack which means take a sugary snack between lunch and dinner.After while growing up your going to need to : reduce the snacks which means take a single fruit or take none.



I'm going to go do a little bit of swing ! Let's go!!



Wait it's to to eat ! Quick let's go make Crocs Monsieurs with some salade!


Ahh it's almost the end of the day we need a light meal : hmmm Croque Monsieur with salad ... Yes I think that will be good !!

Wait but Lalie!! You ate 5 fruits and vegetables today that's perfect ! Now we need to do that every day !



Well it's time to go to bed Lalie !!


SA ma prit telement de temps deso si ya Des fautes chui Americain ducoup defois ya Des did entre englais et Americain

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