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Reformulez les phrases suivantes avec can, can't ou must, mustn't.

1) They have to remember to include everyone.
2) She's not allowed to drive a car without an adult.
3) I give you permission to go out with your friend.
4) He is able to play basket ball better than anyone.
5) You need to leave before nighttime.
6) They're not allowed to stay here.
7) Young children are forbidden to go to the mall by themselves.
8) I'm not able to play the violin.

Merci en avance :))

Sagot :

1) you mustn’t forget to include everyone
2) she can’t drive a car without an adult
3) you can go out with your friend
4) he can play basketball better than anyone
5) you must leave before nighttime
6) they mustn’t stay here
7) young children can’t go to the mall by themselves
8) i can’t play the violin

Réponse :

1) they must remember to include everyone.

2) She can't allowed to drive a car without an adult.

3) i can't give you permission to go out with your friend.

4) He can play basket ball better than everyone

5) You must leave before nighttime.

6)They're can't allowed to stay here

7)Young children mustn't go to the mall by themselves.

8)i can't play the viollin

Explications :

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