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AUDIO (copier/coller sur chrome) :



1. Which adjectives qualify Meagan's region and why?

2. What kind of landscapes do you find in Oregon?

3. What is Portland famous for?

4. Why is Meagan's town called Scappoose ("gravelly plains")?

5. How many inhabitants are there?

6. Do most people drive in this town? If not, how do they get around?

7. What do people like to do in the Columba River?

8. What does Meagan do whenever she can?

9. Compare the sizes of France & Oregon.

10. How many inhabitants are there in Oregon?​​

Sagot :


1. Independent, creative and welcoming

2. Old forests, green farmland, beautiful mountains and the vast blue pacific ocean

3. Lots of interesting types of food and beer, a very strong arts culture, having the world's largest independent bookstore.

4. Because of the many rock mines that it has.

5. Seven thousand people

6. No, the town is very popular for biking.

7. Kayaking

8. Get up early in the morning and go up the hill to where she can look out above the trees and watch the sunrise.

9. France is twice its size.

10. Four million inhabitants.

Voilà, réécoute l'audio et essaie de repérer toutes les réponses et de comprendre :)

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