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Compétence linguistique: PAST TENSES Fill in the blanks with the correct form and tense, active or passive voice
bonjour, merci d'avance a la personne qui va me répondre ​

Compétence Linguistique PAST TENSES Fill In The Blanks With The Correct Form And Tense Active Or Passive Voicebonjour Merci Davance A La Personne Qui Va Me Répo class=

Sagot :



3- Actually, those tribes lived there for a long time

4- The early settlers went to New York because they sought religious freedom; they ran away from fleeing religious persecution.

je ne comprends pas pourquoi il y a // ???? they ran away from religious persecution // they fled religious persecution.

from fleeing ne me semble pas très correct...

5- Further South, the colonists grew tobacco and cotton and needed to find cheap and abundant workforce : that's why they brought slaves to the colony.

6- Slaves were forced to work hard for free : they were fed but not paid and had terrible living and working conditions.


bonne journée ☺☺☺

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