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Salut aider moi svp.

Exercice 4 Réagis aux propos ci-dessous en faisant des propositions.
1. My son has invited his Italian pal for dinner and I don't know what to cook
2. My mother is celebrating her 40 birthday tomorrow. She loves spices and herbs. Where can we go for dinner?
3. It's 1 p.m. and I'm really hungry, but I haven't got much time.
4. I must make a dessert: We're invited to my grandparents'. What can I make? ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. You can cook pizza ! He will love it !

2. You can go in a mexican restaurant. There will be enough spices there I think haha.

3.You can eat a sandwich or an avocado. Everybody loves avocado.

4. I think you should make a cake with fruits. It will be really good !

J’espère que cela te conviendra :)

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