Answered où la curiosité rencontre la clarté. Obtenez des conseils étape par étape pour toutes vos questions techniques de la part de membres de notre communauté bien informés.

Fill in the blanks with the verb
1. What
2. Look ! It
3. They
to a story (listen)
4. He
on his coat (put)
as well (come) ?
6. We
a cartoon (not/ watch)
7. She
very fast (swim)
forward to seeing you (look)
in the yard (smoke) ?
carefully (not/listen)
10. You
the right order

Sagot :

1.What are they doing?
2.It is snowing
3.They are listening to a story
4.He is putting on his coat
5. ( j’ai pas compris )
6. We aren’t watching a cartoon
7. She is swimming very fast.
8. I am looking forward to seeing you
9. Is john smoking in the yard ?
10. You aren’t listening carefully.
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