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bonjour j'ai un devoir en anglais a faire quelqu'un pourrait m'aider svp ​

Bonjour Jai Un Devoir En Anglais A Faire Quelquun Pourrait Maider Svp class=

Sagot :

1.There are around 12,000 beaches in Australia
2.There are around 10,000 bird species.
3.More than 90% of the population of Australia lives within 100km of the coast so false it’s not within 50kms but 100.
4.Endemic is a disease or also called condition.
5.Australia is 14 times bigger than France.
7.There are more kangaroo species.
8. a country
9. no
10. The flag has three elements on a blue background: the Union Jack, the Commonwealth Star and the Southern Cross.
11. Because of extinction
12. largest country